Tuesday 28 February 2012

Another three mutants

Another three mutants for the tribe. All three are resin miniatures from Ramshackle games. That's pretty much it for mutants for now. I'm painting up a mutant boss to lead the tribe and then I'm going to take a break from mutants to paint some other gangs/factions.

They're still a few things I'd like to add to the tribe including some mutant dogs/animals and perhaps some more women and children. When I've finished the boss I'll post up some group shots of the whole tribe.

Cheers Jon.


  1. This looks great!

    Now a groupshot of all the mutants together is needed!

  2. I agree. That's a great big band of muties. Won't be long now until your ready for a game. And (hopefully) a battle report?

  3. Heres hoping Lead legion. I've got a scenerio in my head. I've got a mutie boss and two Mercs to paint up and a bit more scernery to build and finish off. Hopefully by the latter stages of March I'll be able to get some tabletop action going with a little report on here. Fingers crossed
